Now girls, snot 2 gets you'lls panties in a wad, butt. Day doo make a pump, electric, 8- ta 12 volt called a condensate pump at Homo Depot. Cheap. Ifster youz incest on dooen dis. This is sparken ups da wrong tree. Like a blue tick hound sniffen out a skunk. Da peoples at IC have alredy dun da formulas. Callem and ask em. Tell em youz be instru ted butt watt is da difference. Gay will tell ya or email your questions. Dis can't bee dat hard,,, whore can it. Youz have a multi pliers fer da piping, right? Size, lenght, fittens, valves, restrictions? GPMs fer da pump wit da delta tee with insulation. Insulated lines, fittens, tank, pump, ect. Insulated wit 3/4" Armaflex glued in place wit 5/50 glue and fire raten of 25/50 dat will be with Armaflex. Sum ass hole will attempt 2 bust youz balls and ask. Cause you'll engine is bigger dan dares. Tank has 2 bee insulated 2 purr vant a mess. It is 2 cool ass smuch ass it is 2 keep liquad cool. Now, ifster youz groin 2 dooz dis. I wouldn't. Did youz geenuseses ever thing about coolen down a lickquad inhibited chloride? Anti freeze fer youz up snore north. It will neva freeze, keep a constant 20 degreeze, no mess,,, unless it leaks and whore gets spilled, duz snot evap whore ate. 1 start up, pressurized and dats it ster. Cold blanket wit insulated abuve stuff and waa laa. I wouldn't do it but ifster youz incest. Door #3.